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Top 5 Holy Grail Products - the Navy Corpsman edition


Allow me to introduce my next guest on the Top 5 Holy Grail series.... Jen is fondly referred to as Doc. She's a corpsman in the US Navy, and an all around bad@$$. She lives with her totally handsome husband, two fur babies and three jellyfish. Yes, she has jellyfish. #jealous I've had the honor of doing her makeup for several occasions, including her wedding, and have been her skin therapist for the last four years.

Amber: So tell me about your favorite beauty products - your skincare, makeup or hair favorites! What are your top five products you can't live without and why?


1. Probably would have to be my IT Cosmetics foundation. That stuff covers EVERYTHING!

2. Definitely IT Cosmetics mascara. Used it once, then never looked back! It's the best mascara I've ever used.

3. Rimmel Scandal Eyes eyeliner. It's inexpensive, but you'd never know it by how well it works. Truly love that stuff! (Amber's note....anyone following this blog notice a trend? Sweet Betty and I are also obsessed with this liner...get thee to a Target or Ulta...stat.)

4. Mac eye shadow. I can't help myself. I may have a problem.

5. Neutrogena make up remover wipes! Best. Invention. EVER.

Okay a few more questions to round out this interview - What color is your hair? Brunette

What is your eye color? Hazel

How would you describe your skin tone? Light Olive

How would you describe your skin type? Combination (Amber's note: usually she looks at me and says "UM...I don't know, that's why I have YOU. You tell me what to do, and I do it")

How long is your morning routine? Roughly 30 minutes

If I looked in your purse right now, what lip product(s) would I find? IT Cosmetics tint and Burt's Beeswax Chapstick Amber: Thanks love!


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